If you are new in working remotly, it could be the time to adjust.
Working from home requires independence and extreme focus. So we introduce you bellow some basic tips which we think are essentially ways of making your home-work life easier and more productive:
1- Dress up
Forget your pajamas! Dress up as you were going out to work (maybe not that formal) And in the end of the day “go home” and change your clothes.
2- Figure out rotines and create boundaries
Wake up at the same time and start to work, implementing a schedule, as you were in the office. Make some pauses: meals, coffee, etc
3- Disconnect from what can distract you
The best way to be productive is to concentrate in your work, disconnecting from non important notifications (social media, etc). Scedule a time for that specific distractions.
4- Organized and comfortable workspace
A frequent obstacle to productivity is an inadequate workspace. Invest in comfortable equipment and create a space that is dedicated to work, like an office would be.
– A comfortable chair will allow you to be more concentrated. Make sure your back is straight and supported.
– your computer screen should be eye-level
– your desk needs to be comfortable, streamlined and efficient, that means with storage for the papers and some space to keep you organized. And having a beautiful desk with some “design” can help you feel more enthusiastic.
Don´t store more than what is really necessary and in the end of the day, clean your workstation, turn off your computer and prepare for your “home activities”.
5 – Set priorities and do weekly reports
Make to-do lists and checklists. Get in touch with your team or your superior (if applicable), then organize your day around your goals.
Send your boss an email letting him/her know what you accomplished this week and what you hope to do the next. If you work by yourself, do a report for yourself as well, it will keep you focus.
6- Keep physically and mentally healthy
– Regular physical activity is beneficial to everyone. Do some stretches during the time you are sitting. And before starting or ending your working day do some exercices: climb on your stationary bike, go for a walk or run, or follow online classes (cardio, pilates, yoga, dancing).
– Make pauses: for meals, coffee, listen to music, make some calls.
– Respect your meals time and choose healthier food: fruit, vegetables and water are the best options.
– Stay in touch with your co-workers, familly and friends.
We hope it could help.
Keep calm and be strong!
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